Sauce Béarnaise

At Sauce Umami, we are actually rather proud that we can introduce you to the first and only genuine organic emulsified sauces on the market.

Classic Béarnaise, Chili Béarnaise and Hollandaise, all whipped with real butter, real egg yolks and our very “own” Béarnaise essence, tarragon and spices, just like a chef would do it in a professional kitchen.

Additional information




27% SMØR*,  27% pasteuriserede ÆGGEBLOMMER* (ÆGGEBLOMMER*, surhedsregulerende middel (mælkesyre)), Rapsolie*, Vand, Hvidvinseddike*, Hvidvin*, Blomsterhonning*, Salt, Sukker*, Estragon*, Peber*, Løg*. (*= økologisk) Altid 100 % naturligt indhold.

Næringsindhold pr. 100g:

Energi 2175 kJ/528 kcal, Fedt 55 g, Heraf mættede fedtsyrer 16 g, Kulhydrat 2,7 g, Heraf sukkerarter 1,5 g, Protein 4,4 g, Salt 0,37 g.

Leveres som kølevare.

361,11 kr. pr. kg


At Sauce Umami we had a quite simple ambition! We wanted to create a sauce Béarnaise that could match the versions on the best restaurants, and therefore you need to embrace not only the best ingredients, but also the best techniques, and we will claim, that not many restaurants can easily match the techniques and knowledge that we put into the project, to produce a genuine Sauce Béarnaise from Sauce Umami.



A genuine Béarnaise whipped by a top chef can NEVER be duplicated in an industrial kitchen! That was the general and widespread opinion, in both the retail- and the gastronomy industry, and it was that, in our opinion, unproven opinion that we set out to challenge!

We wanted to show and demonstrate that by using the best ingredients, modern technology, and visionary innovation, we could match the level of the best restaurants, and according to one of our retailers, we might have succeeded!



“This sauce is the maybe closest that you can get to whip up a Béarnaise sauce of your own kitchen unless you are a home-chef-champ in a kitchen. Our sauces are organic, 100% natural and without a lot of odd taste and consistency-enhancing ingredients.

A great Sauce Béarnaise is the perfect alliance between good egg yolks and good butter, balanced with white wine vinegar and seasoned to perfection with tarragon, salt and pepper. The perfect companion to a perfectly cooked steak, but also to poultry, veal or lamb.”



You can eat the sauces cold from the fridge, at room temperature, or you can warm them slightly. Keep in mind that you should not heat a genuine sauce above 60 degrees as the sauce otherwise will separate. Place the glass jar with its lid on, in a small casserole with cold water and turn on the heat. When the water boils, remove the casserole from the heat. Leave the sauce in the water for about 4- 5 minutes. Remove the lid and serve. Bon Appetit!



The sauce can be eaten cold from the refrigerator, at room temperature or warm. Remember that a real sauce bearnaise must not be heated to more than 60 degrees, otherwise the sauce will separate. Gently warm the sauce in a water bath or while stirring constantly over low heat in a saucepan.

Det tætteste på den ægte vare, jeg nogensinde har smagt. Den er virkelig god, og man skal faktisk passe på, at den ikke skiller. Dejlig konsistens, god smørsmag og dejlig fri for irrelevante smagsnuancer. Jeg kunne måske godt savne lidt mere estragonsmag, men det kan man jo så tilsætte selv. Testens suverænt dyreste, men også den suverænt bedste. Bedste alternativ til den hjemmelavede - faktisk bedre end mange hjemmelavede!​



Udforsk vores sortiment af saucer

Den klassiske


Den krydrede

Chili Béarnaise

